Sleeve Gastrectomy
This procedure reduces the size of the stomach and the stomach remnant is removed. The size of the sleeve limits the amount of food intake and expansion leads to an earlier sense of satiety.
Hospital stay: 2-3 days
Excessive weight loss: 40-60% in 2 years
Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy:
The sleeve gastrectomy is a simpler procedure as no rerouting or reconnection of the intestines is done. A rapid initial weight loss occurs but less compared to the technically more demanding gastric bypass procedures, as the weight loss is achieved due to a soft restriction of food intake. No dumping syndrome is expected. The duodenum, remnant stomach and biliary tract remain accessible by conventional upper gastroscopy. Furthermore sleeve gastrectomy leads to permanently reduced ghrelin levels (“hunger hormone”).
Disadvantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy:
Sleeve gastrectomy might not be the optimal procedure for patients with binge eating or sweet eating behaviour as well as a heartburn condition. Up to 40% of patients with sleeve gastrectomy have to take gastric acid reducing medication due to symptomatic gastro-esophageal reflux. After 5 years a considerable weight regain in up to 30% of patients can be observed.